
Tonsillitis is a condition where people experience inflammation or swelling in their tonsils. This condition is very common among children and under tonsillitis people even notice yellow or white coating on the swollen tonsils and endure symptoms like high fever with chills, difficulty swallowing, Tonsillitis, headache, cough and so on. Tonsillitis can be triggered due to several factors like infections caused by virus and bacteria and also due to allergies. Learning about tonsillitis and treating them on time is very crucial to avoid certain complications, if left untreated this tonsillitis can even trigger the symptoms of other chronic conditions like as sinusitis and asthma. Luckily, Homeopathy treatment works very effectively in treating these swollen tonsils without using any invasive procedures.

What is Tonsillitis?

Before discussing about tonsillitis, let us talk about tonsils. Tonsils are the lymph nodes located at the back of our throat. You can’t notice them under normal conditions, but you can see them when they get infected or swollen. These tonsils play an important role in protecting our body, they prevent virus and bacteria from entering our body. During this process of trapping bacteria and virus, sometimes these tonsils themselves get infected. When got infected, these two tonsils get inflamed and this condition is known as tonsillitis.

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