Sleep Disorders

Good sleep is when one falls asleep easily, sleep is not interrupted frequently (one does not wake up frequently in between), does not wake up too early, and feels refreshed in the morning. Having difficulty falling asleep or difficulty having continuous sound sleep through the night is not normal for a healthy person of any age. However, not everyone needs the same amount of sleep. The quality of sleep is different in different phases of life. Good quality sleep is important to maintain the good physical and mental health of a person.

Homeo treatment

Homeopathic treatment for sleeplessness treats the disease at the root level as the underlying cause of sleeplessness is taken into consideration while selecting the medicine. During the case study or case taking at Life Force, we try to evaluate the presentation of the symptoms, history of the present complaints, the lifestyle of the person, emotional make-up of the person, current mental state, the stress which person is going through, the past medical history, family history, etc. In such a way, the cause of sleeplessness (such as anxiety, stress, depression, faulty lifestyle, hormonal imbalance, or any other medical condition, etc.) is identified during the case taking and the treatment is aimed toward treating that cause to treat the disease at a deeper level.

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