Lifestyle-Related Diseases

The diseases which primarily arises from the abnormal lifestyle of a person are grouped under the term lifestyle diseases or disorders. Adopting an unhealthy lifestyle pattern leads to increase in both physical and mental diseases. Lifestyle diseases too have become an epidemic and causes much greater public threat than any other epidemic. It is seen that almost every 2nd individual suffer from some kind of lifestyle diseases. Unfortunately, these lifestyle diseases are no longer restricted to people in their forties and fifties but has affecting the young adult zone and children as well.

Role of Homeopathy in lifestyle diseases or disorders.

Homoeopathy plays a very significant role in the management of lifestyle disorders. Lifestyle disorders are a threat to the socio economic aspect of nation globally and appropriate actions for their management are the need for the moment. Management of lifestyle diseases include proper diagnosis and treatment for the same. Homoeopathy has a major role to play in the management of present day lifestyle diseases. Homeopathy medicines strengthens the immunity of the body to fight against pathogens. They act on much deeper level both at physical and emotional health. Hindrances to the cure of chronic diseases are excessive hardships, laboring, grief, hunger, poverty, sudden death of loved ones etc. In case of lifestyle disorders Homeopathic management include a detailed individualized study of the patient. A constitutional medicine is selected based on individualized approach. A holistic approach towards each case really helps to give wonderful results

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