Genetic Disorders

Homeopathic therapies also work on genes – a comprehensive collection of hereditary guidelines for each individual. Each genome encompasses all the data needed for an individual’s development and progress. Each person’s body comprises millions of cells with their own absolute set of guidelines. This set of guidelines is called the genome and includes DNA. Inside the DNA is a characteristic chemical program that controls each individual’s development and progress. This program was regulated with 4 nucleotide bases adenine, cytosine guanine, and thymine. The human genome encompasses two types of genes: genes that maintain health and genes that produce certain elements when sick and only then manifest. Some homeopathic therapies directly affect hereditary genetic structures and intensify certain genes’ manifestation

Homeo Treatment

Overall, homeopathic remedies do not contain substances that act in a pharmacological sense. As a result, these drugs modify health by interrelating the number of genes found in a specific tissue and reorganizing the expression of certain genes that affect certain changes in patients’ health. This fact is vital because scientific research has changed radically in previous years. The goal of upgrading genes that promote the symptoms of various diseases, limiting their manifestation, and genes that promote the symptoms of unwanted health problems and increase their manifestation. Many studies have shown that homeopathic therapies can affect and prevent the above genes’ symptoms and effects.

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