Eye Diseases

We say the eyes are the window to the soul. One can gauge an individual’s health with a thorough gaze into this amazing organ. Eyes are also a window to the outside environment, and crucial to most animal species. Eye disorders are a regular part of medical practice, and homeopaths treat eye symptoms as part of the individual’s total symptom picture, or totality. Let’s consider how homeopathy is useful in treating some of the most common eye disorders.

Homeo Treatment

These homeopathic medications which are being used for eye treatment, comprise different natural nutrients such as Euphrasia, Byronic alba, Alumina, Ruta graveolens Kalium Phosphoricum, Sabadilla, Chelidonium and Natrum which were discovered by medical researchers who devoted their time, energy and resources into years of thorough research on various plants and trees around the world. When these nutrients are discovered, they are subjected to further testing to find out the eye diseases that they can treat. They are then used by pharmaceutical companies alongside other ingredients to produce medications such as eye drops, tablets and capsules that can either be applied to the eyes or taken orally to treat eye diseases.

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